For anxiety, diabetes, body fat and blood sugar levels, adding mint to green tea creates an enzyme called “theaflavin” which, changes the components of green tea and reduces blood cholesterol levels. When it reaches the intestines it will block the components of fat and sugar.
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How to drink green tea to reduce neutral fat (1 cup)
By August 8, 2015
Published:How to make tea » Drinks » Pastries » Desserts » Dish » For anxiety, diabetes, body fat and …
Ingredients / Ингредиенты
- 1 g sencha or gyokuro
- 5-6 leaves Mint
Instructions / Метод приготовления
- Grind the green tea and mint to a paste
- Allow to stand at room temperature for about 30 to 60 minutes.
(Theaflavin is produced by standing.)
- Add hot water and wait for 1 minute
(Substances that reduce the absorption of fat, such as theaflavin and thearubigin will form.)
- Use a tea strainer and pour into tea cup.